What is Ashtakoot Milan in Kundali?

If you want to know the importance of Ashtakoota Milan in Kundli, then read this article that will provide you with a brief insight on the topic.

The word “Ashtakoot” comes from two words, “Ashta” and “Koota.” It refers to both the parts and the process of Ashtakoot Milan. It is a way of matching horoscopes that is used in Vedic Astrology to see if two people are a good match. Eight parts, or Kootas, of the birth charts of the girl and groom, are used to figure it out. Each factor is given a certain number of points, and the total score is used to decide if the two people are compatible.

Asktakoot Guna Milan is the Vedic astrological method that astrologers use to give accurate predictions to people who believe in astrology about their future marriage. The Janam Kundali Milan and the Ashtakoota Milan are often mixed up, but they do not work the same way. The main idea behind Ashtakoota Guna Milan in Kundali matching is based on the Moon charts, Moon signs, and Birth Nakshatra of both people who want to get married. If you carefully read these parts of the Kundali Milan for marriage, you can find out how stable and good a match the marriage would be.

Explaining The 8 Kootas Or Aspects Of Ashtakoota

Below we will briefly explain all the 8 aspects of Ashtakoota that play a significant role in our marriage lives.

  1. Varna Koota Or Jaati Koota

Every person’s ego is classified into one of four Jatis or Varna according to their horoscope: Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya, or Brahmana. An ideal compatibility score would have the groom’s varna being one point greater than the bride’s. If this is overlooked, it is stated that the bride and groom’s Varna are incompatible.

  1. Vashya Koota

The power dynamic between lovers is called Vashya. This Koota highlights the importance of the bride and groom’s roles as influencers, balancers, and dominators in their relationship. At most, two points will be shown.

  1. Tara Koota

Birth star compatibility is this. We have a total of twenty-seven birth stars. To get the bride’s star, subtract the groom’s star and divide the sum by nine. Similarly, the groom receives a score. The compatibility score is 3, 0 if the bride’s and groom’s reminders are odd, and 1.5 points if one of them is odd. If both sets of reminders are even, the compatibility value is 3.

  1. Yoni Koota

In Sanskrit, the word “yoni” implies “source” or “womb,” and it is a symbol of Goddess Shakti. How well two people get along sexually is determined by this Koota. It assigns a maximum score of 4 points to each player and assigns them to one of 14 animal symbols, each of which has its own set of traits.

  1. Rashyadipati Koota

This component is compatible with the Rashi. There are friendly, neutral, and enemy Lords of Zodiac households. For friendly zodiacs, five points are awarded, for foes, zero points, and for neutrals, one point.

  1. Gana Koota

The word “gana” is used to describe a person’s character or way of behaving. Nature determines whether an individual is a Rakshasa (devil), Manav (human), or Dev (godly) gana. A maximum of six points may be earned from it.

  1. Bhakoot Koota

The Sanskrit word for moon sign is where the name “Bhakoot” comes from. It represents the happiness, contentment, and general well-being of both people. Each couple’s Bhakoot is based on their Nakshatra or natal star. In astrology, a happy and harmonious marriage depends on the fact that the Bhakoot of the bride and husband are distinct. It has seven crucial aspects.

  1. Nadi Koota

Nadi Koota, the last and most important compatibility factor, evaluates the health and genetics of the future husband and wife, as well as any children they may have. This factor is given a maximum weight of 8 points. Aunty Nadi, Madhya Nadi, and Aadi Nadi are the three groups into which individuals are divided. The bride’s and groom’s Nadis must be distinct to get points.

Note: While Ashtakoota matching is a standard procedure in Vedic astrology horoscope matching, the North Indian and South Indian traditions use different scoring systems. The scores could range from one astrologer to the next since many astrologers may use different types of factors. Ashtakoota matching isn’t the only method used by astrologers; others include Raju Koota, Veda Koota, Deergha Koota, and Mahendra Koota.

Summing Up

The Ashtakoota method used in Kundali matching comes from a very old practice and tradition. It is what Vedic astrology has given to people. Kundali pairing is based on science, not magic. On a more in-depth level, the Ashtakoota matching results are very good at setting up happy weddings. Thus, using the Ashtakoota to match people through Kundli is a surefire way to make sure that weddings work out.