Exploring the Legal Implications of Matrimonial Disputes

Nowadays, matrimonial disputes are becoming as common as marriage. As per top matrimonial lawyer in Chandigarh, around 1 in 100 marriages in India end in divorce due to matrimonial disputes.

So, let us explore what are the types of matrimonial disputes, their causes, and their legal implications in this blog.

If you are planning to be a lawyer in the future, this blog can be of great help to you.

Come on! Start reading now.

What are matrimonial disputes?

Matrimonial disputes are the conflicts arising between the spouses in a marriage. It is very commonly noticed in India.

Ranging from minor disputes to divorce, everything falls under matrimonial disputes.

Top divorce lawyer in Chandigarh have stated that matrimonial disputes are rising high in number and that at least 5 cases of matrimonial disputes are encountered a day.

Moving on, what are the types of matrimonial disputes and their legal implications?

Get to know them below.

Types of matrimonial disputes:

There is a wide range of matrimonial disputes as per the best lawyers in Chandigarh which are detailed below:

Divorce Proceedings:

Disputes related to the dissolution of the marriage, including grounds for divorce, division of assets, child custody, visitation rights, and spousal support/alimony.

Child Custody and Support:

Disputes over arrangements for the care and custody of minor children, as well as disagreements regarding child support payments, visitation schedules, and parental rights.

Spousal Support/Alimony:

Disputes over the financial support that one spouse may be required to provide to the other following a divorce or separation, including the amount and duration of support payments.

Property Division:

Disputes over the division of marital assets and liabilities, such as real estate, financial accounts, investments, retirement savings, and personal property.

Domestic Violence and Abuse:

Disputes involving allegations of domestic violence or abuse within the marriage, including requests for protective orders or restraining orders to ensure the safety of one or both spouses and any children involved.

Infidelity and Marital Misconduct:

Disputes arising from allegations of infidelity, marital misconduct, or breach of marital obligations, which may impact the grounds for divorce or other aspects of the proceedings.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements:

Disputes regarding the validity, interpretation, or enforcement of prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that were entered into by the spouses before or during the marriage.

Adoption and Surrogacy Disputes:

Disputes related to adoption processes or surrogacy arrangements, including issues of parental rights, responsibilities, and disagreements over the upbringing of children.

Religious and Cultural Differences:

Disputes arising from differences in religious beliefs or cultural practices between spouses, which may impact various aspects of the marriage and family life.

Legal Separation:

Disputes related to legal separation, including issues of spousal support, child custody, and property division during the separation period.

Moving on, here are the legal implications of matrimonial disputes.

Legal Implications of Matrimonial Disputes:

A wide range of legal implications surface on matrimonial disputes and some of the most common ones are as follows:


Counselling is the prior level to legal proceedings in matrimonial disputes.

Usually, legal counselling is ordered by family courts before divorce proceedings.

Though it is not a legal implication, it works better most of the time.


Divorce is the further legal implication taken on matrimonial disputes. Here are some of the grounds of divorce.

  • Adultery: When one spouse engages in a sexual relationship outside of the marriage.
  • Cruelty or abuse: Physical, emotional, or psychological abuse inflicted by one spouse on the other.
  • Desertion or abandonment: When one spouse leaves the marital home without justification or consent and refuses to return.
  • Substance abuse: Persistent drug or alcohol addiction that significantly impairs the marital relationship.
  • Mental illness: Severe mental illness or incapacity that renders one spouse unable to fulfill marital obligations.

Alimony and Maintenance Settlement:

Following divorce, alimony and maintenance settlement is the next legal implication in matrimonial disputes.

Alimony and maintenance settlements in divorce refer to the financial support that one spouse may be required to provide to the other following the dissolution of their marriage. These payments are intended to help support the recipient spouse financially, especially if they are unable to support themselves adequately after the divorce.

As per the best divorce lawyer in Chandigarh, the determination of alimony and maintenance payments is typically based on various factors, including:

  • Each spouse’s income, earning capacity, and financial resources
  • The length of the marriage
  • The standard of living established during the marriage
  • Each spouse’s age, health, and ability to support themselves
  • Contributions made by each spouse to the marriage, both financial and non-financial
  • Any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements addressing spousal support

Property Settlement:

Following alimony and maintenance settlement, property settlement is another expected legal implication on proceeding with divorce on matrimonial disputes.

Property settlement in divorce refers to the division of assets and liabilities accumulated during the marriage between the divorcing spouses. This process aims to equitably distribute marital property and debts, taking into account various factors such as the contributions of each spouse to the marriage, their financial circumstances, and the needs of any children involved.

These are the most common legal implications of matrimonial disputes as per the top law firms in Chandigarh.

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Getting to the point of conclusion, now you have a clear idea on the various matrimonial disputes and its legal implications. Still need clarity and help, then you can seek the help of the leading matrimonial lawyer in Chandigarh.


1. What is the divorce rate in India?

    The divorce rate in India is less than 1% compared to other countries which is a positive element in marital life in India.

    2. What are the prominent matrimonial disputes?

    • Child custody
    • Property settlement
    • Alimony and maintenance settlement

    3. What are the benefits of legal separation in India?

    • Potential for reconciliation of marriage.
    • Temporary break from marital duties and responsibilities.
    • Reflecting space for couples.
    • Escape from divorce stigma

    4. Is it better to get separated or divorced?

    Legal separation is a pause in the process of divorce. As divorce will have an unrepairable change in the marriage life, legal separation can be a prognostic part of making stronger decisions.