Now, we are going to discuss on the topic of how to implement analytics code on the websites. Before going to discuss the above topic first we that what is google analytics.
What is Google Analytics?
Mainly, the use of google analytics in SEO is that to track the user’s activities on the website like how they are coming to the website either the users are coming direct, referral, organic, paid and social media and many more.
Above we have discussed the google analytics uses and how it works.
Now we discuss how to implement analytics code.
First of all, for implementing the analytics code on the website you should have a Gmail account because google analytics is a google free tool that is called google analytics.
1. Now you have to visit: then login with your Gmail id and password.

2. After successfully login with Gmail id and password you will see the message like Welcome to Google Analytics then click Start Measuring.
3. After that, it will ask for Account name means to put your Website Name. For example, we have given the name ReadWriteTips.

4. After filling up details click on the next button it will ask for Web, Apps, Web and Apps then you have to select Web.

5. The fill Website name, for example, is Read Write Tips. Then type your website URL then select https or non-https which one you have configured your website.

6. Then click the create button and accept the terms and conditions of Google.

7. After accepting terms and conditions you will get Tracking ID for example (UA-1XXXXX63-1). Also, you will get the script.

8. Just copy the code or script paste under the Head section of the website.
Now your Google Analytics code is implemented on the website.